This is Hijri calendar 2024 app. Through this app you can know Hijri calendar 2024 date very easily. You can also see the English calendar. Islamic hijri calendar 2024 app has been created with Hijri month and English month together. Hope the app will be useful for you.The Hijri calendar, also known as the moon Hijri calendar and (in English) the Islamic, Muslim or Arabic calendar, is a moon calendar in which a year consists of 12 lunar months of 354 or 355 days. This calendar is used to determine the exact days of Islamic holidays and events, such as the annual fasting period and the exact date of Hajj. Almost all Muslim-majority countries use the Gregorian calendar as their common calendar.The Islamic calendar uses the Hijri year which is fixed at the Islamic New Year of 622 AD. In this year, Muhammad and his companions migrated from Mecca to Medina and established the first Muslim community (ummah), an event known as the Hijra.In the Western world these moon dates are followed by AH, which is the Western abbreviation for the Christian year (AD), Common Era (CE) and Jewish year (AM). In Muslim countries it is sometimes written in English as the Arabic word for H. In English, the year before the Hijrah is denoted as BH ("before the Hijrah").As of 10 August 2024, the Hijri year 1444. 1443 AH in Gregorian calendar from 10 August 2024 to 28 July 2023.